Find the pricing plan that fits your business

We offer 3 different pricing plans. For 50+ accounts running at once, contact us on Telegram.

Please note we do not help with account creation or verification.

The solo creator

Best for solo creators.


USD / month

Unlimited accounts, 2 running at once

Bumble + Tinder

AI chatting

AI swiping

Smart unmatching

Instant access link

Boutique agency

Best for boutique agencies.


USD / month

Unlimited accounts, 10 running at once

Bumble + Tinder

AI chatting

AI swiping

Smart unmatching

Instant access link

Scaled agency

Best for scaled agencies.


USD / month

Unlimited accounts, 50 running at once

Bumble + Tinder

AI chatting

AI swiping

Smart unmatching

Instant access link

Custom enterprise plans

50+ accounts running at once

You have questions

we have the answers

Answers to the most common questions

How customizable is the bot?

The bot is fully customizable. From picking your funnel usernames the bot shares in conversations to the delays and schedules of run time.

How can I run the bot?

Upon purchase, you will be sent an email with an access link. There you'll be able to download a private browser extension. The extension cannot be run on mobile yet but can be loaded on all chrome and anti-detect browsers.

Can I upgrade my plan whenever?

Yes, inside the chrome extension you'll be able to switch between plans at your convenience.